Directory Assistance
Pioneers in Greece in the development of telephone directory information services from the opening of the market to the present day.
Pioneers in Greece in the development of telephone directory information services from the opening of the market to the present day.
Dominant position in the Greek market with the local search directory and integrated advertising services for SMEs & professionals
Prominent presence in the Real Estate sector with online auction technology and innovative pre-auction marketing services.
Continuous development of innovative value-added services addressed either to the end user or on behalf of our partner companies.
Newsphone Hellas Group has extended its activities, inside and outside Greece, in the fields of Information Technology, Communications and eGovernment, and has become a reference point for Greek Business, offering innovative and quality digital products and services to Citizens, Businesses and large organizations.
Since its inception, Newsphone Hellas has approached Information as the “raw material” of its production operation, and offering quality services has been our strategic choice.
More than 220 scientists and technicians, specialized in a wide range of subjects (Information & Internet, Telecommunications, Marketing & Sales)
Efficient services and reliable information are shared by many, leading to communication structures that decisively enhance sustainable development and, by extension, social cohesion.
The Group has always been active based on the belief that its main mission is to contribute to strengthening all three dimensions of Sustainable Development – economic, social and environmental.