
Newsphone Hellas Group has always been driven by the conviction that its main mission, as well as its specific perspective, is to contribute to the strengthening of all three dimensions of Sustainable Development – economic, social and environmental.

This ethical and pragmatic approach leads our companies to the greatest possible compliance with the goals set by the United Nations in September 2015 for global sustainable development by the year 2030.

Although the UN agenda rightly focuses mainly on the ongoing crisis of the Third World and the structural problems of developing countries, it is common ground that Western societies too still face serious weaknesses, such as the unequal treatment of women or technological illiteracy.

Out of the 17 UN goals, Newsphone Hellas has focused on four, which, due to their advantages and characteristics, can have the strongest possible positive impact on Society. Specifically:


Achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls

The companies of the Newsphone Hellas Group employ women at a rate of 69.7%, with a high proportion of women working in managerial positions.

At the same time, the Group applies a zero-tolerance policy to any kind of discrimination in the workplace, while diligently ensuring that there is no pay gap between women and men.


Promoting sustainable and inclusive economic growth, employment and decent work for all

Along with its strict compliance with labor legislation, the Newsphone Group is one of the largest employers in Greece, which in 2004 led to its being awarded by the European Organization “Europe 500.” The Group’s contribution to the fight against youth unemployment is also important, as its employees under the age of 35 make up 37.13% of its workforce.
Additional quality features of the Newsphone Hellas Group are the continuous training of its staff, zero work accidents and the implementation of best practices of Ethical Governance.


Creating flexible infrastructure, promoting sustainable industrialization and innovation

The companies of the Newsphone Hellas Group are active in Information and Communications Technology, as well as in the field of Transport, two sectors that the UN has placed high on its agenda for the promotion of sustainable industrialization.

At the same time, Newsphone products offer development tools to small and medium-sized businesses, services that serve social and age groups facing problems of technological illiteracy, while the Group continuously invests, directly and indirectly, in the prevalence of Innovative Spirit in every aspect of the Greek Economy.


Taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

The Group’s facilities and means have a low environmental impact, which is achieved through the use of energy-efficient systems, the promotion of recycling and the application of methods of intangible intra-corporate communication and organization.

However, a benefit greater than the activity of Newsphone Hellas results from the reduction of the environmental footprint of the Society, as many of its products and services, such as 11880 and Vrisko, help their users achieve their goals with fewer trips and, consequently, less energy consumption.

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