Call Center Hellas

Call Center Hellas

Call Center Hellas S.A. has been providing call center services to the Newsphone Hellas Group of Companies and to third parties for 18 years. It was founded in September 1998 with the aim of providing Integrated Business Solutions in the field of telecommunications services. Business operations started in December 1998.

The goal of Call Center Hellas is to increase your business and communication skills, thanks to the specialized use of the most accessible and widespread means of communication: the telephone. However, the differentiation of the company lies in the perfect combination of specialized personnel and automated means. State-of-the-art technology in telecommunications and computer systems, and, above all, the experienced, specialized, and continuously trained staff ensure the immediate response to the communication needs of a business and the formation of a long-term mutually successful relationship with its customers. By identifying market trends, it changes its customers’ fixed costs into variable ones, drastically improving the quality of the services provided with a corresponding reduction in operating costs, in order to ensure a competitive advantage.

The most experienced staff and the use of the most modern means have made Call Center Hellas S.A. synonymous with call center service in Greece.

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9